13 October 2006

2 Tips Effective Weight Loss

It's agreed that if you raise the amount of calories you burn and watch what you eat, both the food and the portions, you'll eventually start losing weight. Don't make it more complicated than this.

Step 1 is exercise. You have to. Do cardio and this doesn't mean you have to run. There are plenty of cardio exercises that will give you results and this even includes walking at a good pace. And add weight training to the mix because the muscle you'll build will help you burn more calories. Aim to workout 3-5 days per week.

Step 2 is watch what you eat. You have to. Nutrition is very important and until you realize this, it's going to constantly be an uphill battle. If you feel guilty eating something, that's your intuition telling you not to eat it. Avoid the foods that you know you should avoid, like heavy creams and fried & fast food, and limit how much sugar you take in. Foods that you should eat more of, however, include olive oil, peanut butter, chicken, fish, greens, fruit, vegetables, oatmeal and nuts.

There are also supplements you can take like CLA, Green Tea extract and thermogenic products. Supplements aren't the magic solution but adding them to a program that consists of exercise and good nutrition can be very effective.

A leading health magazine I read also recommends:

1. Drink protein shakes throughout the day (yes, females too) because it will help prevent overeating. Plus, protein is important. Two shakes is good.

2. Get 7-9 hours of sleep to keep your body in top condition.

3. Add whole grains to your diet, like oatmeal and brown rice, because of the fiber they provide.

Lastly, you'll notice that once you start to lose weight, your motivation will sky rocket. Take this motivation and run with it! The same goes for your will power- as you continue to watch what you eat, you'll start to notice that the bad foods don't look so good anymore. You can do it!

Ryan Cote is the author of http://www.4DaysToBetterHealth.com, a free 4 day healthy living e-course that includes more detailed information on exercise and nutrition.

Weight Loss Treatment , Tips and Secret