29 August 2006

Adipex and the success story of weight loss

What is Adipex? It is one of the popular brand diet pill drug of Phentermine group, which is a sympathomimetic amine. Adipex is anorectic drug. It stimulates the central nervous system, which increases heart rate and blood pressure and decreases appetite.

Have you been failed in your weight loss programs? Definitely you have tried and adopted different programs to lose your excess weight and obesity in your body. What is your feeling about this so-called weight loss programs? Are they not too rigorous to continue for long time? In fact, results may come out of these weight loss programs only after taking much pain for long time.
Here is an effective solution, which is not at all painful. We shall recommend you to use the diet pill Adipex of Phentermine group for treatment of overweight and obesity of your body.
Buy Adipex and start your rejuvenated weight loss program once again – success will definitely come.

Adipex may be used for short-term supplement to diet and exercise for successful treatment of obesity.
Of course for long term sustained effect of weight loss, you should follow an extensive weight loss program, which will consist of controlled diet program along with regular required exercise, supplemented by diet pills for a short duration.

Here are some important information about Adipex which should be remembered and to be checked before starting use of Adipex..

# Adipex is one of the most popular diet pills of Phentermine group, which is a very effective short-term drug against overweight and obesity.

# Adipex is a prescription drug each dose of which is to be taken with a full glass of water. It should be taken in empty stomach and before a meal.

# During the period when you are under treatment of obesity with this medicine, avoid hazardous work like driving, operating machinery etc. Adipex may cause dizziness, blurred vision or restlessness.

# Adipex is habit forming. Withdrawal symptoms may arise if you suddenly stop taking the medicine after use for several weeks. Always consult a doctor about gradually stopping the medication.

# The once daily Adipex is to be swallowed as a whole and not to be chewed.

# Do not take Adipex if you have high blood pressure, glaucoma or have taken monoamine oxidase inhibitor in the last 14 days.

# Consult a doctor before using Adipex if you have problems of thyroid, anxiety disorder, diabetes or epilepsy or any other seizure disorder.

# Take the medicine as per the dose recommended by doctor. Do not overdose which some times may be serious.

Although it is a prescription drug, there are cheap Adipex available in the on line pharmacies. But these are of poor quality and their effectiveness is doubtful. Always buy Adipex through a prescription from an experienced doctor.

In case of pregnant or lactating woman, consult a doctor before use of Adipex. The drug is unsuitable for children.
Consult a doctor to use Adipex to control your overweight and obesity. There are so many success stories of its use. So why will it not be applicable for you also?

source : http://www.yourhealthfinder.com
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