27 August 2006

Weight Loss Good Health and Fibre

Author: Eva Moffat

What Is Fibre?
Fibre is the part of the plant that we eat and cannot digest. But while it is still in our body it can do a great deal of good for us.

There Are Two Kinds of Fibre
· Soluble Fibre
· Insoluble Fibre

Soluble Fibre is the kind of fibre that dissolves in water. You can get soluble fibre from eating fruit. Especially good is when eating an apple, don’t peel it (wash it well) but in the skin is where the fibre is hiding.

Insoluble Fibre does not dissolve in water. It is found in most vegetables and grains.

What Foods Contain Fibre?
Soluble Fibre is found in:
· Beans (they have both kinds of fibre)
· Oatmeal and Oat Bran
· Some Fruits, eg Apples, Mangoes, Plums, Kiwi, Pears, most of the berry fruits, Peaches, Citrus Fruits, Dried Fruit and some Vegetables such as Dried Peas, Beans and Lentils.

Insoluble Fibre is found in:
· Whole Grains
· Pasta
· Bran
· Brown Rice
· Seeds
· Beans
· Vegetables eg Carrots and Celery

How Much Fibre Do We Need?
As Fibre is not considered a Nutrient (Like Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, Fats) there is no Recommended Daily Average. But some Health Care Experts have said that we need 7.5 ozs or 20 – 35 grams per day.

If you are not used to having a High Fibre Diet, it would be better to start increasing your Daily Intake of Fibre gradually over several weeks. Otherwise, if you increase your Fibre Intake too quickly, you may suffer with stomach cramps and discomfort.

What Are The Advantages Of Having Fibre In Your Diet?
Eating a diet that contains a lot of Fibre has been shown to lower Blood Cholesterol Levels. So lower Cholesterol Levels can help prevent Heart Disease. It can also prevent Constipation and slow down the whole Digestive System. Fibre can also help us to eat less, so we lose weight.

Our bodies need Roughage to help with our Digestive Processes. The bulky substance cleans the Colon as it makes its way through our Digestive Tract.

Studies have shown that large amounts of Fibre in the Diet can help regulate Blood Glucose and Insulin

Some Ways To Get More Fibre
· Have more Whole Grains. Wholemeal Bread, Cooked Brown Rice.
· For Breakfast. Raisin Bran, Cooked Oatmeal.
· Eat Beans several times a week.
· Have several servings of Fruit every day.
· The same with Vegetables. Have a variety of Vegetables every day.

If you increase your Fibre Intake, it can only be to the benefit of your Health and Well-being.
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